Our company reports provide in-depth information on UK companies and is grouped under 20 sections. We've listed each section below along with a brief explanation.
In this section, you can see a company's Registered Address, the country it was originally incorporated and contact information like Telephone and Website.
2. Company Summary
This section provides a summary of the company. In the summary, you can discover key information like when the company was incorporated, when important statements like Accounts and Confirmations were submitted, and information about its trading activity.
3. Credit Limit & Score
Credits Limit & Scores give you an insight into how creditworthy a company is. This section provides current and previous Credit Scores as well as a recommended borrowing limit.
Learn how Credit Limits & Scores are calculated here4. Gazette Notices
Gazette Notices are issued when a company is late to submit Financial Accounts. A Gazette Notice is treated as adversity as multiple Gazette Notices can lead to the company being removed from the Companies House register. This section shows all Gazette Notices a company has received over time.
5. Previous Names
This section is where you can see the previous names of a company. This is often used to learn about a company's past activity while it was using a different trading name.
6. Previous Addresses
In this section, you can view the current and previous addresses of a company, including the dates of every time the company changed addresses, from the time it was incorporated to the present day.
7. Activities
Here is where you can see a breakdown of a company's trading activity, e.g Retailing & retail banking providers.
8. County Court Judgements
A County Court Judgment (CCJ) is a type of UK court order that is registered against a company if they fail to repay money they owe and is classed as a debt. Company reports provide detailed information on every County Court Judgement registered against a company in the UK over the last 6 years.
9. Breakdown of CCJs
In this section, you can see a breakdown of each County Court Judgement, including which court issued the judgement, the amount that is required to be settled, if the debt has been satisfied and more.
10. Charges
In this section, you can view charges that have been registered against a company since its incorporation. This includes when the charge was registered and if the amount has been repaid.
11. Financial Summary
This section is a summary of both the company's key financials and important dates like when the accounts were submitted. In this section, you can see a company's key financials like Turnover, Cash in Bank, Number of employees and more.
12. 5 Years Financial Accounts
You can view a company's full 5 years financials in this section. This section is a digitised version of the company's official accounts over time and can be used to see how a company has financially changed over time.
13. People
This section displays the Directors and Secretaries of a company, including each person's Occupation, Nationality, Date of Birth and how long they've been a part of the company.
14. Shareholders
In this section, you can learn about a company's shareholders, their share type, shares held and the percentage they own of the company.
15. Group Structure
The group structure section is used to see the Parent, Sibling and Child relations of a company.
16. People with Significant Control
A People with Significant Control (PSC) is someone who controls or owns a company. PSCs are likely to be people who hold:
- Over 25% of shares in the company.
- Over 25% of voting rights in the company.
- The right to remove or appoint the majority of the board of directors.
17. Domain Names
This section is where you can view the domains that a company owns. Companies have an official website which represents their brand, e.g Barclays Plc (www.barclays.co.uk). However, companies often trade under multiple websites that they own, which is why they may have more than one URL registered in their name.
18. Trade Marks
This section is built using trademark data that is sourced directly from the official UK Trademarks Register.
19. Document Filings
Here is where you can view the different documents that a company has filed from over the last 20 years. These are ordered by date from newest to oldest.
20. Trading Addresses
Trading addresses are branches where a company operates from. In this section, you can see the addresses of these branches as well as contact information like Telephone numbers.